Resource Type: Webinars

RN Panel: How Monitor Staff Help Improve Nurse Productivity

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RN Panel: How Monitor Staff Help Improve Nurse Productivity

Nurse leader, Lisa Crochet at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital discusses the impact of remote video monitoring for overworked staff seeking to focus on their core roles as direct caregivers.

Presented by Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital

Fostering New Use Cases

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Fostering New Use Cases in Virtual Care

From falls reduction to stopping elopements from the ED to behavioral health to telehealth visits, providers are pushing the boundaries of remote care (with a little help from AvaSure!).

Presented by Maine Medical

Wheeling to Efficiency with Hub & Spoke

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Wheeling to Efficiency with Hub & Spoke

Hear how health systems use centralized monitoring stations and enterprise software to save money, simplify hiring and training, and save lives.

Presented by Loyola University Medical Center, Trinity Health of New England

Virtual Classroom Series Session 1: The Role of the Virtual Nurse

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Join AvaSure Chief Clinical Officer, Lisbeth Votruba, MSN, RN, as we kick off a six-part classroom series: Virtual Nursing 101. Lisbeth had a special guest Terri Hinkley, CEO of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses on this first webinar to discuss the important role of the virtual nurse and the creation of the MSNCB Role Certification. The two task force members of the certification dived into key competencies to look for when hiring a virtual nurse and how to recruit for this role without taking away from bedside staff or further exacerbating staffing challenges.

Virtual Nursing 101: A Look at the Basics

Revolutionizing the TeleNurse™ Solution

Introducing the Nurse Elevated Care Model from AvaSure

An augmented care environment where a virtual team provides support – offloading documentation burden, providing a second set of eyes on complex patients and helping to close growing experience/complexity gap in nursing – to the bedside team. This model of care helps health systems reduce labor costs while liberating their bedside nurses to provide elevated, hands-on patient care.

52% of nurses are considering leaving the bedside, at a time where there are 1.1M+ vacancies. Hospital leadership knows they need a change, 83% are considering virtual nursing as a solution but don’t know where to start.

We call this the Nurse Elevated Care Model because it does just that – elevates your nursing team for optimal care.

Learn how AvaSure customers have used the Nurse Elevated Care Model to achieve results

Improve Patient Engagement Scores

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Improve Patient Engagement Scores

Sarah Brown MSN, RN, CMPE, NEA-BC at UnityPoint Health, discusses the challenges her nursing staff faced during the pandemic and how this caused massive burnout throughout their system. Quality of care was being compromised, so leadership agreed to make innovative changes and identified the use of AvaSure TeleNurse™ solutions as a potential solve. Sarah noted, “Virtual Nursing in the med-surg area immediately helped our nurses at bedside and has grown astronomically quickly.”

Early results of TeleNurse™ Programs:

  • Increases in HCAHPS: 7.6% increase in patient understanding of purpose of taking medication, 2.04% increase in top box score for transition of care
  • Discharges completed by the virtual nurse currently have lower rates of readmission – this is an early trend; they’re waiting to see more results over time to consider it correlated

AvaSure: Drive Performance Improvement with ORNA®

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AvaSure: Drive Performance Improvement with ORNA®

ORNA® (Online Reporting of Nursing Analytics) helps healthcare leaders make informative decisions about their organization and patients. Learn how the AvaSure database drives performance improvement and can help predict and prevent adverse events in a national way.

Learn how 1 million patients represent nearly 70 million monitoring hours in the ORNA® database. During those hours, more than 7 million adverse events were prevented.

For more information about ORNA® and how you may be able to better utilize data within your TeleSitting® program, please reach out to